1. Make Wire’s “154” cover cut outs;
2. Decide between “Assume Vivid Astro Focus” (A.V.A.F.), “Vivid Astro Focus Explode” (V.A.F.E.) and “Astro Focus Kiss Kiss Kiss” (A.F.K.K.). Work on new business cards;
3. Work on music video mixing the Xanadu background (from the Olympus scene) with the 6ths song “Just Like a Movie Star”. Research clothing: romantic surfer type, bleached blond hair, Converse flip-flops, silver shorts. Use MTV-like credits. Use a TFT LCD screen and Aiwa headphones;
4. Next music video: Panda Bear and Avey Tare’s “Alvin Bow” with Partridge Family reflection on swimming pool image, Sissel on transparent floating white dress waking up from the swimming pool, Fall leaves, flying birds, couple cuddling and kissing, rotating Himalayan hills, exploding planets, “Tommy”, Sissel on a field crying “I lost my singing voice, I lost my singing voice”;
5. Use Ride On t-shirt background image as Assume Vivid Astro Focus logo. Change colors and research logo as wall decal (just like buses’ and trucks’);
6. Write Christophe and Daniel about Assume Vivid Astro Focus, explain project, propose collaborations and that they use A.V.A.F. as a brand name and make their own projects with it;
7. Other future music videos: “Freebird” by Lynard Skynard (solo guitar); “Etwas Zeit” by Mikron 64; Reiko Kudo; Beatles’ “Across the Universe”, Blondie’s “Fade Away and Radiate”, Yoko Ono’s “Walking on Thin Ice”, B-52’s “53 Miles West of Venus”, Soft Cell’s “The Girl with the Patent Leather Face”, Cerrone’s “Supernature”, DMX Krew’s “Come to Me”, Kraftwerk’s “Das Modell”, The 6ths’ “San Diego Zoo”, Machine’s “There but for the Grace of God”, Dionne’s “Come Get my Loving”, Antonelli Electric’s “Dubby Disco”, Mutantes’ “Ando Meio Desligado”, Eminem’s “Without Me”, Pink Industry’s “What I Wouldn’t Give”, G.D. Luxxe’s “Geisha Girl”;
8. Get Pierre Huyghe’s contact with Helmut. Send my materials to him and request permission (?) to use Annlee in a future project;
9. Finish rainbow wall-drawing;
10. Work on more striped t-shirts from H+M with Ride On logo;
11. Buy Legion of Super Heroes compilation books;
12. Collect picture discs and coloring books. Look for: Dallas, Man from Atlantis, Land of the Lost, Isis, Ultra Seven, Banana Split, Laverne & Shirley, Dune;
13. Research Gerwald Rockenshaub, Sigmar Polke, Oyvind Fahlstrom, Olafur Eliasson, Rob Pruitt, Franz Ackerman, Ed Ruscha, General Idea, Olaf Breuning, Sol LeWitt;
14. Music videos to research: Grace Jones’ “One Man Show” and “State of Grace” (compiltation of clips)
15. Get a bulletin board for outside the studio, work on invitation for john connelly presents, improve e-mailing list;
16. Study GoLive! And work on Andrea Zittel’s site (www.zittel.org) and cheapcream.com;
17. Get a new scanner w/ slide carrier, portable 30GB harddrive, another 256 RAM, new G4 700 Mhz processor, Epson printer w/ archival ink;
18. Cat food and cat litter, Kusco-Murphy lavander hair cream and H+M white jeans;